90493m?...is "wrongly" a word? (lol)
I agree the CAT is one of the finest pre's in the world. Ideally, I wish all equip was completely uncolored and undistored. But, none of it is!...including the CAT.
I'll agree it's more true to the source than most anything around. Yet, all gear has some "sound" to it, affecting actual source material. It then becomes a blancing act. And, unfortunately all gear is flawed, and some gear sounds best with others.
If a digital recording can SYNTHETICALLY CONSTRUCT an audio signal to make you believe you're actually hearing the actual analog event, then contructing a great sounding system using "less than perfect gear" can be done by mating pieces that compliment each other..infact people do it every day.
I agree the CAT is one of the finest pre's in the world. Ideally, I wish all equip was completely uncolored and undistored. But, none of it is!...including the CAT.
I'll agree it's more true to the source than most anything around. Yet, all gear has some "sound" to it, affecting actual source material. It then becomes a blancing act. And, unfortunately all gear is flawed, and some gear sounds best with others.
If a digital recording can SYNTHETICALLY CONSTRUCT an audio signal to make you believe you're actually hearing the actual analog event, then contructing a great sounding system using "less than perfect gear" can be done by mating pieces that compliment each other..infact people do it every day.