Review: DCM TimeWindow 1 Speaker

Category: Speakers

This review covers the orignal DCM Time Windows. Not the subsequent versions.

I remember the first time I heard these. Their unique shape and sound where unlike anything I had heard before. Here was a speaker that really delivered the promise. It was driven by a PS Audio Amp and PS Audio LCC PreAmp. At the time I had the Large Advents,and while those speakers were very good indeed, the Time Windows were clearly superior. The music just seemed to come alive in a way that's hard to describe. There was just a seamless transparency to them. Not overly bright or accentuated on the bass. The balance was right on. It didn't really matter what the program material was, the Time Windows clearly and with authority brought the music to life. If they had any real weakness is for some peoples taste the bass may have been on the light side. But for my taste it was as it should be. The orginals used Philips drivers using a transmission line and the cabinet construction contributed to the overall sound. In the late 70s these were not cheap at about $800.00 but were indeed worth the price of admission. I was finally able to acquire a pair of these and have them to this day. Few things one purchases in life have enduring value and the Time Windows truly are in that category. Of all the reviews I have read on these speakers not one reviewer has clearly defined the sonics of this fabulous speaker. Use all of the adjectives you want and one will still come up short in the description. Best way to describe them, if you love music and have better than average components connected to them, the Time Windows will deliver the music with a verve that will astound you.

Now these speakers are some 20 years or more in age and continue to deliver the music. And that's what this hobby is all about. DCM no longer produces the Time Windows,having opted for the HT route. This is a true shame as these speakers deserve continued production. Timeless design is just that.


  • Dimensions:36"H x 14 3/4"W x 11 3/4"D
  • Weight:32 Pounds
  • Power Requirements:10 Watts Minimum per channel 89 dB/watt at one meter;200 Watts Maximum
  • Impedance:5 Ohms minimum/6-8 Ohms nominal
  • Frequency Range:25Hz to 18 kHz
  • Dispersion:180 degrees horizontal/60 degrees vertical.

    Specifications do not tell the whole story,listening does. The Time Windows due to their configuration can be literally tuned to any room. That is due to their shape. This was a brilliantly executed design that has remained faithful all these years.

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  • ferrari
    This is all great bs. I am interested(since I have the original DCM's) in how to get the best from them. My current situation is about 2 feet from the back walls. My understanding is that 3 feet are proper. Let's get some life into this situation. Are you guys dead out there? Controversy is great(I'm the "When is digital going to get the soul of music guy.)! BTW, I am a horn guy. I bought Ferrari's Classe amp. The Nuforce amp is so superior, it's unbelievable.
    I 1st heard the TimeWindows a few years ago at a friends house. he had timeframes also, and all sorts of other stuff, mostly 50's & 60's era. the windows stood out as special amoung all the huge jbls, and jbl 100's and bozaks and lord knows what else he played for me. he was driving them with macintosh mono blocks and a marantz model 7 pre.
    same friend got me a pair of kef 105.2's which I still love, but when he offered to sell me his timewindows 2 years back I was very very excited. then he sold me his model 7, and hooked me up with an old audionics of oregon ba150 tube amp. the windows sound fantastic with this gear. the kefs present a completely different sound. more refined maybe, amazing highs and detail. but the windows sound like no other speakers, and when the 105.2's just don't have the punch to rock it, the time windows do just that, and then some.
    Yep, those original Time Widows are truly classics. I remember Peter Aczel stating in his review(@1977) that although other speakers could do certain things better, the Time Windows just gave that "breath of life" that those other speakers didn't have. I kept mine for about 10 years, sold them to buy the new(at the time) Vandersteen 2B's and although I thoroughly enjoyed the Vandersteens, I missed from time to time those beloved Time Windows.
    I have Time Frame 350's hooked up to a mid level surround sound (Sony) in the garage. I was wondering about replacing the center channel with DCM16C, but I've heard really mixed messages abiut the new DCM stuff. This will not be for the good system upstairs. Any thoughts out there?
    Slowhand, look in EBAY under Time Windows, theres a bloke selling them in Australia. Hes plagerised your review. Nearly word for word.