Review: DCM TimeWindow 1 Speaker

Category: Speakers

This review covers the orignal DCM Time Windows. Not the subsequent versions.

I remember the first time I heard these. Their unique shape and sound where unlike anything I had heard before. Here was a speaker that really delivered the promise. It was driven by a PS Audio Amp and PS Audio LCC PreAmp. At the time I had the Large Advents,and while those speakers were very good indeed, the Time Windows were clearly superior. The music just seemed to come alive in a way that's hard to describe. There was just a seamless transparency to them. Not overly bright or accentuated on the bass. The balance was right on. It didn't really matter what the program material was, the Time Windows clearly and with authority brought the music to life. If they had any real weakness is for some peoples taste the bass may have been on the light side. But for my taste it was as it should be. The orginals used Philips drivers using a transmission line and the cabinet construction contributed to the overall sound. In the late 70s these were not cheap at about $800.00 but were indeed worth the price of admission. I was finally able to acquire a pair of these and have them to this day. Few things one purchases in life have enduring value and the Time Windows truly are in that category. Of all the reviews I have read on these speakers not one reviewer has clearly defined the sonics of this fabulous speaker. Use all of the adjectives you want and one will still come up short in the description. Best way to describe them, if you love music and have better than average components connected to them, the Time Windows will deliver the music with a verve that will astound you.

Now these speakers are some 20 years or more in age and continue to deliver the music. And that's what this hobby is all about. DCM no longer produces the Time Windows,having opted for the HT route. This is a true shame as these speakers deserve continued production. Timeless design is just that.


  • Dimensions:36"H x 14 3/4"W x 11 3/4"D
  • Weight:32 Pounds
  • Power Requirements:10 Watts Minimum per channel 89 dB/watt at one meter;200 Watts Maximum
  • Impedance:5 Ohms minimum/6-8 Ohms nominal
  • Frequency Range:25Hz to 18 kHz
  • Dispersion:180 degrees horizontal/60 degrees vertical.

    Specifications do not tell the whole story,listening does. The Time Windows due to their configuration can be literally tuned to any room. That is due to their shape. This was a brilliantly executed design that has remained faithful all these years.

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  • ferrari
    I live in South Africa, and own a pair of ARD Time Windows. As I have it the Time Windows were designed by two students in collaboration, and as a final year project. One of the students emigrated to the USA, while the other - a Joachim Fabianek stayed on in South Africa.

    I bought my Time Windows and still enjoy every moment I listen to them. Just amazing what they can do with the right amplifier. Joachim told me that the best they can do is being driven by a valve (tube) amp, fed by a high-quality per-amp. At the time he suggested I try a Gunter Steinhard amp. After I listened to the combination I agree completely.

    Unfortunately it seems that Joachim has passed on (he lived in East London, RSA), and I can not get hold of anyone that knows anything about him or his family anymore. I dearly would like to try to continue what he was doing. I am not sure, but am guessing that the two students did not collaborate on later designs of speakers. Any info on this will be welcome.

    What I desperately would want to get hold of is a pair of Joachim's Aera speakers. If you love the Time Windows, you will be utterly amazed by what the Aeras can do. Even with the brilliant sound of the Time Windows, the Aeras are just so much better. With the advent of the AV sound systems, Joachim fell on hard times. The last time I spoke to him he offered to sell me a pair of Aeras at just over cost price, as he would have liked to organize some income for his enclosure (cabinet) maker. At the time I could not afford them, but I wish I had rather sold my car, wife, house, etc, and bought that last pair of Aera speakers.

    I just can not describe the tonal quality and absolute beauty of the music they delivered!

    Well, at least still have my Time Windows.

    Sorry! Got so carried away that I forgot to say: According to Joachim, the Time Windows were sold as a matched set. Each enclosure had a matched pair of speakers fitted, and this matched-pair had a matching matched-pair for the other enclosure, and that is why the serial numbers will be consecutive numbers.
    As a salesman then manager for the #1 DCM dealer in the late 70's and early 80's, I can answer a few questions about the original Time Windows, the QEDs (essentially 1/2 a Time Window) , the Macrophones, and other models at that tine.

    Bob Carver started using the Time Windows to demonstrate his Sonic Hologram, on the insistence of our stores' owner trying the Time Windows at our store. When TAS reviewed the Sonic Hologram, Carver told JWC (the reviewer in Atlanta for TAS) to use the Time Windows. The story could be found in TAS issue at that time.

    Depending on which of the 3 men listed below you talked to, DCM stood for either:
    1. Drug Capital of the Midwest (or Michigan)
    2. Dope Capital of the Midwest (or Michigan)
    3. Dats Cool Man

    Bob Waterstripe, Steve Eberback, and Howard Jacks were the men behind the scenes.

    Along with the Dahlquist DQ-10's, the original Time Windows were the affordable speakers to own. At the time, the list price for a set of Time Windows was $660.

    FWIW I used "stacked" QEDs powered by a pair of Kenwood L07M and a Marantz 7C. Pink Floyd's, "The Wall" was awesome. The stack acted like a line source with more of a point source imaging than the Time Windows.

    Yes if you looked at the cost of the materials (Phillips/Peerless drivers and very basic crossover, the box and only wood tops and bottoms, it was certainly a wonder of economics. But it's sound, while not SOTA, was really pretty good, especially for the money!
    I have read several postings regarding the TimeWindows speakers. This is my situation. I have come to help my mom after my brother passing a few months ago and I found a couple of these speakers in his closet. The wood is pretty good but the black cover is in bad shape. He was still using them before he passed and they are still in good shape, actually, I must say I have not heard anything so loud this good.
    I have a doubt in my mind, my mom says I can have them if I want to but I think that if I sell them she could use the money for sure. Should I buy new material, recover and keep them or should I sell them; since they are from 1974 how much should I ask for them? In need advice.

    Thanks in advance
    IMHO, these are keepers. You can get 3x4 foot foam sheets for 20 each online, then recover them, then sell them for maybe 250 with local pickup. The 1As are more desirable, with real oak ends and better crossovers...and some say better woofers and tweeters. I dont know. I just picked up a pair like yours for $225 and spent 50 for foam. Seems to me that selling yours would not really impact the family budget, but listening to them for years might be very satisfying. On line, E BAY that is, perfect condition pairs go for about $300ish, maybe 350. DOES ANYONE OUT THERE KNOW HOW TO GET INTO TW1 Original SPEAKERS................ WITHOUT RESORTING TO A SABRE SAW ?
    I WANT TO RECAP . Thanks. I won't do anything too hasty.
    I have been reading up on the TW and TW1s, considering a crossover rebuild. These beasts are almost impossible to get into. The only person I have heard of actually doing this update ..........cut the bottoms off,esentially boogering them up.... then remade them from oak. Serious project. I am toying with doing a Caesarian..8 inch tall by maybe 12-14 inch wide tubectomy on the back..Then, soldering in the PPE caps without trying to pry the cap board off of the cabinet bottom.. I would then build a lip, using yardstick-sized wood strips....full ones on the interior side edges... and little one-inchers inside the curved tube.Then, lots of wood glue and recover. Maybe glue in a couple front-rear braces just for fun.. Then , I think about the hours involved... Good Grief. Here is something unique, TW folks. Flip them upside down, make room on your computer desk, and use them as nearfield monitors. Oh My !!!! Buckethead, Soothsayer, from Grooveshark thru a Soundstreamer II into a Parasound 850 pre and SAE 201 power.Never heard it sound THIS good, fer reals.