Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?

Any Cincinnati, OH -based audiophiles on this forum? I have found only one truly high end dealer here, and they are leaning more and more towards high end home theater so they tend to be quite busye, and no longer set up truly "reference" systems one can listen to for calibration. Would love to get into touch with other fellow maniacs in the area Hard to know what else you "need" unless you can hear it and covet it in someone else's set up!
Tom; Thanks for a great time on this last Sundays meeting your system sounds great . We had a very good group of people and some new people what a lot of fun . I had a good time talking to old friends and meeting new ones talking audio and a few other things ! I always learn something new at a meeting like this and new music to explore thanks. Marc

It was nice meeting you and the others yesterday. I really enjoyed your system!! Thanks for being such a great host. Hope to see you and the others at the next gathering.
ditto. totally enjoyed meeting you and everyone else and hearing your magnificant system. personally, i feel that i learned a lot as well. tell your wife that the cheese spread was great.

tom collins
Tom, thanks for the relaxing atmosphere and great music. Your system really sounds good. I even got the last Mountain Dew. You must have a saint for wife who lets your system take over the living room. Many of us are forced into the dark, damp, dank basement. Thanks again.
Greetings fellow Cincinnatians and Tri-Staters,
I am a local (Cincinnati), interested in meeting other audiophiles and celebrating music in general. I am in the process of rebuilding my system and would be value the opportunity to join in this discussion/group.