"bloomed" is vg, albeit more conventional than buckner's later stuff, which can really get embedded in your brain if you let your guard down.
at jax2's suggestion, i did listen to some live stuff from jeffrey focault (on archive.org, the greatest website in the history of the world); he's good but didn't really grab me, perhaps because the songs weren't particualrly distinctive. however, while on the site i found some live shows by blitzen trapper, which are great. these guys really sound like the second coming of buffalo springfield or workingman's dead, with instantly memorable songs and that whole hippie vibe--one of the very few recent bands that are actually writing classic tunes instead of merely recreating a sound.
while browsing around, you might also check out low, from minneapolis (really pretty, quiet intense slowcore), mogwai (hypnotic guitar instro stuff from scotland) kevn kinney (ex-southern rocker turned folkie; sharp material, very tight playing and a lot of life).
keep the suggestions coming. back to work.