Washington DC

I'd love to get together with those of you who live in the Washington Metro area. I'm in Bethesda, MD, myself, and I could take the Metro to hang out with all of you because I sold my car to afford more audio gear. Hope to hear from anyone in my neck of the woods.

I don't know if there is any kind of active society in the area anymore. The closest thing is a bunch of guys who hang out at Deja Vu Audio in McLean Virginia on Saturdays.
Anything still going on. I live in the district and would be interested in any meetings.
Hey guys, I am a new DC area dealer (www.wellpleasedav.com) and have been asking the same questions for some time now with little results. I say we start our own group! If your down, just email me at (mark@wellpleasedav.com) or reply to this post and I will send out an email to everybody to begin establishing some logistical guidelines as well as possible ideas/expectations for the group...sound good?
Hey folks : a few of us from the Mid Atlantic area have a "circle" on the audiophile and general interest forum Audiocircles to discuss and announce events relating to the mid-Atlantic members. We try to host audiophile meet ups hosted at each other's homes, mostly it seems in the summer to winter. Typically we'll have anywhere from a handful of people to about a dozen. Obviously the more of us who participate the more we can grow it and have more frequent meetings.

I'll be hosting one on November 15 at my place in Arlington Va. So go one over to Audiocircles.com and check it out.

I've seen from time to time member meet ups in our area on audio karma as well, I think.