It is funny when you reflect on it. We all have personal journey with speakers and electronics. I have often had to buy without listening first, just on the strength of reviews and intuition, which was sometimes badly flawed.
I was also motivated by a desire to own a certain brand or type of speaker just to see what it was like and then be able to know that I had that experience.
As time has gone by, the variety of speakers and electronics that I have used have given me a clearer profile of what my sonic priorities are, and so my frequent changes have become less frequent, also dictated by finances of course, and the desire to avoid costly mistakes.
I find that in the last couple of years, I'm really enjoying refining the use of supports and cords etc.
Still, I can understand that part of many of us that has restless curiosity about what may be better than what we already have. It's just that niggling little voice in your head, urging you to move on to the next thing.
It's a little sad in one way. It reminds me of the old saying "Yesterday's peacock is tomorrows feather duster". Anyway, as long as you can afford it, and you're having fun every step of the way, it's an interesting journey.