I Dislike new format

Your thoughts?
I believe in fixing anything that's broken, but I didn't think there was anything broken about the old format. Change for change sake is senseless. I'm sure I'll get used to it just like the last Audiogon format change, I just don't understand why it was needed.
I believe they were not able to do any changes to the old format. It is well over a decade old. The new version is built on a modern platform and will allow additions going forward. They have added several new features like improved searching options, the "Following" option and real time sorting of posts. Hopefully, more will follow.
I can't imagine how anyone would prefer the old format over the new one. The old format was as generic as generic gets.

The only thing I always hated about this forum was the required Mod approval for every post before it was viewable. This regulation would explain my whopping 70 posts at most since 2006 
I'd like a format that includes personal messaging.  Or do we already have that and I just haven't figured it out...?
Things take time to adjust to. Our comfort zones were removed but it’s not the end of the world. We’ll adapt. We always do. Like Albert did, let them know. For the first few days a dialogue box appeared on the right side of the screen and asked for feedback. I let them know that on a PC at work that the responses were cut off mid word on the thread instead of properly done with hyphens, when applicable, and it turned out it was the OS of the old PC at work. It doesn’t happen on my Mac.

They’re listening, probably right now.....

All the best,