Nagra Jazz

hopefully someone can answer the following Nagra Jazz questions for me. I have been told that there are optional transformers which can be build in the Nagra and have a positive effect on the sound. Has anyone done this? Another question: is there anybody who uses the Jazz in combination with Spectral power amps?
Thank you for your input!
I am really going to give the Classic Amp a listen! Now playing with Spectral 360 mono blocks.
I sold my Ayre MXR's for the Nagra Classic...Maybe that says a bit what I think about the Nagra...
Honestly I don't remember on the XLR's...for the PLL...I think the answer is yes...but the balancing transformers were a option like your Jazz.   Nagra knows what they are doing on dealer loves his input/outut transformers on his Jazz.  I just haven't heard it in my home...If you have a balanced source or amp...I think you are best to get this...
Thanks again! Since I am talking to a Nagra expert... why did you sell your PLL and which pre are you using now? Have you ever changed tubes yourself or is this better done by a specialist. At the moment I am offered a second hand jazz, pll and a cdp. A lot to consider...