Your "eureka" digital moment

I got into digital in 86 or 87. Very conveniant but I never gave up on vinyl. Digital was ok but something did not "make sense" musically. Until 2001 when I bought a second hand meridian 508.24. Then digital made sense. No, not a perfect player (dynamics were polite) but oh what a listenable player. That was when I finally got digital. 
WAY back when I plugged my very first Tube component(Yaqin Buffer w/Mullard 6922)in between my CDP & SS Integrated amp.All of the sudden digital had everything vinyl did with none of the bad.
My digital "eurika" moment was when I got rid of it.  Prior to that it was high res digital.

For me, it was this Parasound, I think it was called a cpd1000 or something I bought for a hundred bucks...supremely listenable!  Very polite, but I could listen to jazz for hours on end!  Was very sad when the laser finally died.  But, the sound of that player still guides what I'm looking for from digital to this day.