Doe's anybody have any infomation on the difference between the two models and what do you think about the speaker itself?! I can't find any reviews of this speaker anywhere even though it's been around since 1982?!

Sorry it took me so long to respond...went camping.

I have a new-(in the crate) 1998 C7000 on the way. Got a GREAT deal. I feel like I'm going from the minor league to the pros now!

The long wall is going to be tough for me since I have a fireplace on one side and a window on the other. Also since the DS are 34" deep. And I want to keep them a three feet from the back wall, that 6 feet right there. 17'W-6'=11'. So I'll be against the the wall listening to them! No way.

The amp I'm using right now is a Adcom-5800(I have two). Too minor league for the DS I'm sure(Although it does have a damping spec of >1000). I'm looking at buying a used Theta Dreadenaught multi channel amp. Read great things about it. But I'm worried that 200-watts per channel won't be enough juice for the monsters. I want a multi for future HT. The DS come first though..if a Spectral or Krell makes that much of a differance(if heard the Spectral is very fast and the Krell has great bass) than the Theta multi, than I'll get the best(within budget..ha!).
Question- Does a 600watt amp sound have triple the power and triple the control of a 200watt amp? Why do some hi-end amp have a low damping spec like 100? What about the new digital(slim and cool running) amp that are coming out?

Look forward to the reply.
I can't answer too much of what you asked, but I'd suggest wait till the speakers come in and see how they sound with the Adcom, then go from there. The newer model may be an easier load than the old Sovereigns. I know of people on this site who drive Dunlavy SC-Vs (the next generation of John Dunlavy's design that most closely equates to the Sovereign) with the 100wpc Aloia amp with great success, so don't get all hung up on power, the Theta would probably work well. You could also ask the folks at Duntech what they'd suggest (I wouldn't be surprised to hear Plinius mentioned; after all, they are Australian) for some ideas as well.
I have driven the Duntech Sovereign with a pair of VTL ichiban  150 watt triodes after using AR 300,Sectral and other Solid state amps. I feel the EL34 tube is ideal and could  recommend only the Rosenblitz 300w OTL amps as an alternative. I have access to many exotic, high end speakers and driver combinations and the only combination to challenge these could be the Tannoy WRSE speaker if the room is of sufficient volume and dimension.