Phone stage for VPI Scout 1.1

Can anyone recommend a phono stage in the $300- approx. $1000 (new or used) range for my newly purchased Scout. I know there are tons out there however, any that stand out in this range or match well with VPI?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12

Its actually more important to match the phono stage to the cartridge you are using, not the TT.  So in this case an Ortofon 2M Black.  Being a MM cartridge, you want to find a phono stage that has as selectable capacitance as low as possible to at least 100pf.  Most fixed stages are at around 200pf.  Some standouts within your budget that I can think of would be...

Creek OBH-15MKII

Lehman Black Cube

Moon 110LP

Musical Surroundings Phonomena II

The above would be a good place to start.

There is a nice Croft listed here for $729 and a Suthreland PH-3 for $630. I don't think you would go wrong with either of these!
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