Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Well, I  willingly acknowledge The risk with this different type of 300b variant and proceeded with both eyes fully open. Other Frankenstein owners may have a better outcome with a newer batch of Elrogs, tough to say.  It's such an exceptionally good sounding tube in my amplifier that I wanted so badly for it to be reliable long term. I informed George(tubesusa) he'll follow up with me. These are very expensive tubes and they have to offer long term durability to make the high cost worthwhile,

Hi Scifi,
Takatsuki vs EML XLS,
I really enjoy and cherished both of them over a 3 year period. This is such a true example of individual taste and probably system synergy as well. I listen to the EML XLS more often, it has a "bit" more dynamic authority and scale and is organic and communicates emotion effectively. The Takatsuki is very organic, a "bit" lighter in presentation and very refine in character, maybe a "bit" sweeter. Nitpicking aside both are true reference standard 300b tubes and simply excellent sounding in my system

I suspect most 300b aficionados  might prefer the Takatsuki say 55 to 45 from a sample size group of 100 (pure speculation I admit). I give a modest edge to the EML XLS for its added punch and open large scale sound in my system. As I have implied, you couldn't possibly go wrong with either tube. They both have proven track records of reliability, I can attest to that.
It has been suggested to me from a very trusted source that the Frankenstein amplifier would benefit in changing the cathode resistor value from 1000 ohms to 1200 ohms. This is said to lessen the stress on the cathode when the amplifier is powered up (reducing turn on surge) . I was told this simple swap will result in significantly longer tube life by stressing the 3oob tube less with a lower initial surge upon turning on the amplifier. I was informed this will benefit "all" 300b tubes not just the Elrog. Another suggestion was regulating the AC wall voltage range to keep within 115-120 volts. The cathode resistor change is highly recommended from this source. 

Given the cost of these tubes (all premium level 300bs) this simple and inexpensive fix seems wise, I'm going to do it. I was also told that this modification won't change the sound character of the amplifier.  I will report my findings once I complete this task.
Hi Jetrexpro,
 You have much hands on experience with parts and modifications (along with Grannyring and . Do you have any particular recommendations for cathode resistors?
Charles, The 300b cathode resistor is actually one part in my amp that I have not changed so I have no experience how different brands would affect the sound. They have to dissipate lots of heat so are pretty large.  Maybe Grannyring or Salectric would have some experience. Also try the Audio Asylum Tube DIY thread for a good sounding 300b cathode resistor. My cathode resistor is pretty cool. It has various lead outs which give different resistances. The one time I noticed an improvement in sound was when I used to use Sophia Electric Mesh plate 300b tubes. I increased the resistance which lowered the stress on the Sophia Mesh and it did sound a bit better, so its possible with some tubes you may notice a sound change.
Hi Jet, The resistor needed is 1,2K ohms/10 watts. Yes, as you say raising the resistance(slightly in this case) lowers the "turn on" stress on the 300b.I'm looking forward to doing this and will see what happens. George  contacted me this morning and said I'll have a replacement sent in about 3 weeks. As usual he's right on top of things (utterly supportive).  I was told the brand of resistor isn't particularly important for this application. But I figure may as well go high quality, good parts always seem to make a difference even if only subtle sometimes.