B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
Post removed 
I agree with bcgator.  Enough is enough.  I'm tired of hearing Bo tell me what "audio is all about"  in "his world".  Give it a rest.
And for calling out the shameful behavior, my post was removed by the moderator.   Since there are clearly moderators viewing this thread, I'll ask them directly - how is it that you are allowing members to blatantly sell competing products in someone else's thread?   I didn't think that's what this forum was supposed to be about.   

Yes the thread is being moderated as can be seen by the many removed posts. Those that have been on this thread since it started will see that more than 10 posts were removed from just the first page. The Audiogon staff must have their hands full dealing with threads, on top of the new Site going live.

If you see suspicious posts, it looks like when logged in as a member, there is now on each thread a "Report this" button on the OP (Original Post) . You can also email audio support.

I always hesitate to invite censorship unless specific published rules or guidelines are broken..

Let people post what they will.  Either don't read it or make of it what you will, good or bad.  If a published guideline is broken in a post call the person out and move on.    I imagine it cost  money for threads to be moderated manually.   If there are automated tools used to delete clear violations, then that would be a good thing.