Best near wall high end speaker

Unfortunately I have a situation where I need a floorststanding pair of loudspeakers that are fine situated very close(inches) from the back wall. They also need to be in the appx 12" wide category as well as depth.. Budget up to 10k list. Really need some good ideas.
What a day and eye opener yesterday.  YES Virginia there ARE some choices for against the wall speakers.  Many have been mentioned in this thread.  NOLA has some small ones that are also built to go up against the wall or even a book case.  Very impressive.  I have a Linn Kiko system in my BR that I'm listening to right now and it's up against the wall and sounding nice (Fleetwood Mac concert).  I heard the Vandy's yesterday and I can PROMISE you that you need to look at the inexpensive LVR speakers they put out.  If set up properly, they don't sound like a sub 1300 speaker (I think that's the range).  Then I go listen to the Quatro's as I'm in the market and will be getting them as soon as I sell my Treo's as I stated.  I've listened to so many speakers in the last few weeks as well as couple of years, that I'm almost worn out, lol. (not really).  That high pass filter and adjustable bass is just unreal.  You can put these things directly up against the sheetrock and adjust the bass and you are off to the races with a GREAT system using an NAD set of separates to save money or a top zero feedback amp like the Ayre integrated or the new Aesthetix gear.  I've put my Treo's up against my wall to see how they sound and I was able to get the staging and imaging that I love.  I don't have major bass problems so that worked fine, in fact we all know it's reenforced up against the wall and it still kept it's tonality and slam.  Stayed very tight and tuneful.  

You probably have more than a few speakers to look at and I hope that you keep us updated.  Thanks.

Thanks for all the replies. I'm sure everyone will throw up but I have Revel 208's on order. Cavernous room plus I have Salon 2's and they are awesome. Won't be selling them. I'll get the 208's out a foot or so after negotiations w spouse and they have some bass adjustment. I think Revel just a great product always providing more product per dollar. Very musical.
If you don't mind stand-mounted speakers, the Audio Note AN-E are good candidates for near wall placement.  These have the advantage of being reasonably efficient and easy to drive, so they can be used with a wide variety of lower powered amps.  The Audio Note line of speakers is quite lively sounding and very musically engaging.  The sound is on the warm, full and rich side, not on the more analytical and technically flat and neutral side--if that is your taste, they will sound overblown in the mid-bass and deficient in genuine deep bass.

Another speaker that I heard placed very close to the back wall that sounded very good is the Gradient Revolution.  Is is specifically designed to be very flexible in where it is placed and how it is used.  I heard a pair in a small room, with the speakers only about two inches from the wall, it still delivered the goods.  This one looks good too, and is narrow enough to fit your requirements.