What do you think is the best make volume control ?? ALPS NOBLE ????

I am interested in putting the best volume control with-in reason in a friends Audio Research Pre-amp and I am interested in what people think is the best control with-in reason (cost)    Thanks
Manual only the DACT - can be remotely controlled but it's clunky 😄 Fully remote controable the Bent  - nothing comes remotely close to above they sound very similar as they use the same topology and surface mount resistors.

DACT is only 24 steps so limited on the bottom I.E. the first step is too loud with digital sources, the Bent have 60 steps which makes it a clear choice.  The Dact is about 1/4 price of the Bent 

Best of Luck

Manual only the DACT - can be remotely controlled but it's clunky 😄 Fully remote controable the Bent  - nothing comes remotely close to above they sound very similar as they use the same topology and surface mount resistors.

DACT is only 24 steps so limited on the bottom I.E. the first step is too loud with digital sources, the Bent have 60 steps which makes it a clear choice.  The Dact is about 1/4 price of the Bent 

Best of Luck


Potentiometer only the TKD clearly is the best choice, both I mention above is stepped attenionators.

Good Listening 

My headphone amp has a very good ALP RK50 volume control (not stepped).  This is one of those "legendary" components.   However, this is a very BIG pot and it costs quite a lot.  A friend tried to buy one from the US distributor.  He was told that the price is $850 each, and the minimum order size is 50 units.  Headamp, the maker of my headphone amp, might be willing to sell someone this pot as they keep it in stock for their own products.