Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Charles, I am encouraged by the advice rendered by your very trusted source.  Perhaps my PS 10, which provides a reduced start up current for the Franks, coupled with the ability to regulate the voltage at 115, will do the trick for me.  As I said, I am getting very little listening time in these days due to my hiking.  The upside is that I lost 6 lbs of belly fat last week.   I really hope at the end of all of this that we find a solution permitting reliable service from the elrogs.   Its going to be hard taking a step back, if it comes to that. 
You can get them from Parts connexion.com, they're in Canada.

Your use of the PS 10 is a very good decision.
I'm glad you're able to fulfill your goal of hiking in the mountains of Tennessee. Six pounds of belly fat in a week? That's some serious hiking, keep it up.
Charles,  make that 7 pounds!  We are finally getting settled in enough that I can really pursue the hiking for all it is worth.  The hiking has been wonderful, and my wife has gotten back into it like in the old days.   The endorphin rush, the beautiful views, the company of my beloved, and the track of Bach's St. Matthew Passion running in my head eight hours a day is hard to beat.  By the time I get home, I do well to make it through dinner before passing out.  I have been hiking so much that those days when I don't are utterly consumed with volunteer work, yard maintenance (yes, I mowed my grass again 2 days ago dressed in shorts and a T) etc.  Perhaps there will come some icy weather, which is pretty much what it takes to keep me off the trails.
I have a stack of CD's sitting on my desk that I haven't had time to listen to yet.  While there have been a few surprises associated with the move, this decision has worked out even better than I had hoped in most respects. 
Charles, unfortunately one of my replacement Elrog tubes failed also. George is going to replace them once he gets a suitable pair in. 
 I'll be waiting for your opinion on the resistor replacement ,hopefully the sound won't be degraded. If it makes them last in our amps that would be great, fingers crossed. They are wonderful sounding tubes to bad we're having issues with them. 
Oh well, I put back the EML's and they sound very good with nice dynamics and drive, not as musical as the Elrogs but, I can easily live with them in my Franks along with the Taks.

Man, I'm so happy you and your wife reached your goals and are able to live out your dreams. This is what good planning and determination lead to. I know how good it feels to exercise and get back in physical  shape, there's no downside to this approach. Keep on exploring those mountain trails Bill.