What vintage speaker might you use today

Like to find out what "vintage speakers" members would/might use in their current audio set-up

Do you think what made them special was the synergy between them and the amp used, or just the fact they were well designed and performed way above their price tag.??
I still use Infinity IRS Betas, made in 1987.  Excellent speakers.  However, I'm currently looking for speakers made in the 21st century.  

Parts and repair for the Betas are impossible to find, let alone getting them to and from a repair facility if one existed.
Grew up with a pair of KLH 1's, the ones with the "bass computer", hooked up to a cool looking Phase Linear amp.  They're still at my mom's house, powered by an ancient Hafler amp.  And, they still sound rediculously good.

These are them...http://www.classicspeakerpages.net/library/klh/klh-1_series_klh-1_klh-2_kl/klh-1_series_photos/klh-1...

She offered them to me several times, and honestly, if I ever wanted to give up the chase of "you are there"ness with current audio gear, and simply wanted good sound to enter my room, I'd take them in a heartbeat.  I also think she'd miss them more than she would know till they were gone.

Honestly, I don't know that many speaker brands back then cared about imaging and soundstaging as much as sounding frequency coherent, and I don't view that as a bad thing.  I can't say those speakers ever made musicians appear in a room before me, but they still make music sound better than alot of speakers I've heard or owned.  Top to bottom, they are very solid.  I've owned speakers that cut razor sharp images, and aren't half as musical sounding as these.

I think if I ever decided to give up chasing the dragon, and just wanted good sound to fill a room, I'd pick up and refoam a used pair, and be very happy using them daily.
Quad ESL. I had a pair of bronze in the 80s and sold them. I was never happy with what I'd lost - that spotless window to the music My current black pair are outstanding.
My bedroom system uses a pair of (modded) hafler 300 speakers (http://www.hafler.com/pdf/archive/Model_300_speaker_man.pdf) and in my living room I have a pair of Ryan Acoustics MCL-3. Both circa 1980's I believe.
I'm very happy with both.
in my music room on the other hand I have 2015 speakers :-)

I'm using a pair of circa 1989 Klipsch Chorus II's as my everyday main speakers.  I found a mint pair in oiled oak on craigslist a few years ago, and refurbished them with new crossovers and horn diaphragms.

They might not be the most "accurate" speakers ever made, but they do some things amazingly well.  Great speaker for classic rock, and big band music on vinyl sounds amazing.