B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
Ever look at some of the posts on major news site articles on major current events? Audiogon is kindergarten in comparison.

Its not an apples to apples comparison. I have been aware of and involved with this audio hobby - almost said bobby lol ! , for 40 years since I was 13.
Audiophilia, and specifically the Audiophile - is a very unique, refined, special person :^) Thats what my wife tells me anyway. Not sure what she tells others behind my back.....
That makes AudioGon(e) very special and unique compared to the other websites . It is also the biggest and the best (imo) of the audio sites. And to make a one off extreme comparison. If AudioGon or B&W as a company disappear, not just change hands but really disappear - this Audio business and hobby no longer exists.
Anyway will try to add some more fun into the thread and stay on topic. 

Maybe Bo will be our savior and lead us all including B&W to a new audio renaissance where we all enjoy the same gear that he sells the most and live in perfect 3-D Monitor Audio harmony. 

Or not.

In any case we will have reached a really bad place if the posts in these parts ever resemble those you see regularly these days on the lead story of the day on a certain news site whose name happens to start with F,  at least on the days that site’s moderators decide that the days inane and mean spirited ramblings are permissible for public consumption.  I’m glad that they do.  Its the nasty things out there that nobody is aware of otherwise that might be the biggest cause of concern in many cases.

Anyway back to the topic...

have not heard the new B&Ws   will give a listen next time I stop by my local dealer.

I have just under 15 hours of use on my new 803 D3s. I'm glad these speakers have casters with retractable spikes as I'm still trying to dial them in.  Excellent imaging and soundstage.  It's always fun to hear a "new" detail on an well known track of music.  They haven't quite "disappeared" yet and I think it may take as much as 100 hours to start to hear their true character.  Thus far, I am very pleased with them. 
Those retractable spikes are a real plus.  Always hated trying to level speakers with the standard spike assemblies. 
Always hated trying to level speakers with the standard spike assemblies.

No. 1 reason - for Audiophile pulled disks.

No. 2 reason - trying to remove or attach an interconnect to a preamp situated low on a heavy immovable rack close to the wall.