old classic phono cartridges

Is there any market for used (some working, some not) classic phono cartridges?  I have still have a fair portion of my old units and wondered if they had any value.  I've got::
Lyra Clavis
Grado Ref Master
AQ 7000
Madrigal Carnegie One
Linn Akiva
(I thought I had a Monster Alpha2 as well but can't find it at the moment)

Ag insider logo xs@2xrparker
I sold an ADC MkII..  Someone is always looking for things like that if the price is right.
You've got several interesting cartridges there.  Yes, some of them are competitive with some of the upper end cartridges (in terms of cost) that are available currently.  In the end, it's a matter of taste.  On the other hand, you've already absorbed the cost of what you've got; why not save spending yet more money on new cartridge(s) that may only be about as good?
I would definitely send the Clavis back in for retipping and any other thing it needs. Its a great cartridge ... and not many can touch it on reproducing the piano accurately. Pay the extra bucks and have Lyra do the repairs.