Linn sondek vs sme

I recently read a thread actually comparing a Linn sondek to SME and many saying that the Linn "outperformed" an SME.  Really?.  Are some people on LSD or is this a fair comparison as I am looking to upgrade in the near future and was planning on listening to SME.  I never thought they were in the same league.  I have been told that my modest scout beats the sondek.  How can that be true?  The thing is I have no dealers for either locally.  Only VPI and project.  I think I want to movin a different  direction than VPI.
Hi daveyf. I agree with you regarding tone arms. The LP12 suspension limits the tone arm selection and the RB300 is not in the league of a Triplanar; provided, however, that the RB300 is really, really good for the money. 

I am sure that Linn would love to produce an arm that is even better than the Ekos SE but who can tell when that may occur? And I am sure that Linn will have concerns with the mechanical integrity and rigidity of any arm that provides for adjustable VTA and azimuth. They have the resources to try and to test such designs so we will hope that they may succeed.
I have been able to discern differences in turntables on Youtube-at least those differences I'm interested in.  I'm not really listening for the sound, but the overall ability to convey the song to me.  I would listen to Pasinee for the LP12 SE, but be careful, as, at least on his channel, at times he used a Khan instead of Linn's top-plate.  The LP12 SE uses Radikal, Keel, Ekos SE, and Akiva(or Kandid). 

Well,  I auditioned an lp 12 yesterday.  I was quite impressed and pleasantly surprised.  I did bring my Benz ref s.  It did not sound very good on the Linn.  It sounds far better on the scout.  However when the Linn klyde cartridge was installed it sounded great.  I guess my big concerns with this table are obviously setup for one.  If this expert ever left town, the closest one is in Cleveland.  Also,  how dependent is Linn synergy on Linn components.  Cartridges, arms, phonostage, etc.  I was listening to an all Linn system.
The table I listened to was an updated Iinn with the radical power supply and the ekos 1 tonearm.  I also believe after listening that I am really starting to have a problem with Benz.  It did not track well on the Linn, almost the same tracking distortion as on the scout.  We were listening to Linda Ronstadt and nelson riddle.  The benz/ekos combo could not handle the dynamic passages and Linda's voice distorted terribly although tracked perfect with the klyde.  The distortion was similar as on the VPI scout.  We looked at the Benz under the microscope and it did seem to be wearing evenly.  Not sure if this distortion is caused by resonance from the wood body.  
tzh21y, I am fairly certain that the problem is not with the Benz cartridge due to its design. The problem is simply because this particular cartridge is worn out...plain and simple. What you describe has to do with either a) the diamond is worn out, or more likely b) the suspension components have worn out.
Time to replace the cartridge and stop ruining your records.
BTW, I also use a Benz on my LP12..a Ruby 2 and it has no problem with any of the things you describe. Still sounds amazing...although showing its age a tad compared to some of the hyper revealing cartridges of today.