Perhaps I will try a true bi-wire set up with the switch set to low. Worth a try.
Hi wcc10 according to yamaha amp manual this is what has to happen to test that feature setting. Even Yamaha recognizes different speaker impedance's and it is the reason they included that feature in your SS amp. Give it a try - costs nothing.
from that earlier link.
the R-S700 is bi-wire ready. In this case, it uses both sets of internal amplifiers (Speakers A & B) for one pair of bi-wired speakers. This implies a true bi-wired scenario, where separate discrete amplifiers are used for the tweeter/mid-range and woofer section of your bi-wire-able speakers.
So give it a try definitely.
But and this is a big but..... someone that is used to a 12 inch woofer like yourself - it can be like mothers milk you know ... if infants could talk when being switched from mothers milk to artificial I am sure they would say - ew , yucky, phewy.
If the above doesn't work I would switch speakers, or get your wife to approve a sub to bring balance to the music.Those speakers in a space surrounded by windows is a challenge.
Let us know how you make out - good luck