A little help please

My room is 13' x 21' x 8.5' ceiling. Speakers are located along the short wall about 12-18" off the wall. They can't come out as they'll block an entrance way.  They are about 4' from the side walls. 

Currently I have a Prima Luna Classic Integrated with their standard tubes. Source is Rega Apollo R, MMF-5/Clear Audio Nano V2, or Proton DAC. Speakers are Totem Arro (no mass laoding).

I realize that my placement isn't ideal and my wife's need for decorating balance with furnishings,etc require some trade-offs but I just don't think these speakers are up for the job in some cases. Some songs, like acoustic blues, female vocals, even piano sound great but I'm sometimes finding other recordings seem to sound muddy and there's no real pop and umf on some drums; like I'm hearing music but not feeling it some times.

The totems are not mass loaded. I have heard that mass loading them will tighten up the bass. I could also try some different tubes, but overall I'm not sure either or both will make that big a difference. Which leads me to a discussion of a sub or some new speakers.

I lean towards new speakers.

Possibilities (depending on what I can get my wife to agree to in price and size) are:

PSB Imagine T2, Quad 25L, Revel F206 - As noted above there are decorating issues. A sofa is located about 2.5 feet in front of the right side. As it is now imaging is good, my concern with these is they all have some low driver positions that will be an issue unless I can relocate. Relocating to the long wall is an issue because I'd have to straddle a working fireplace as well as other considerations. 

A larger Totem Forest - leaves me wondering if I'll have similar issues with bass.

Audio Physic Tempo 25 (NOT the plus version) - demo from my local store.

Vandersteen 3A - Signature - also demo from my local store. These are likely too big for my wife's taste; and quite possibly my amp.

 One thing I didn't note so far was the possibility of a sub-woofer.  I'm not thrilled with the idea but I haven't given it an ear so I can't say.

Thoughts anyone?

Thanks for reading and taking the time to respond, Jetson.
IMO the amp you have is capable of making MAGIC!You just need the right speaker.Gently used Sonus Faber Concertino/Concerto Home(both front ported) or better yet the Toy Towers(with bass port plugged)would sing with that amp & look good enough to satisfy wifey.
Thanks, that's interesting. I was leaning toward improving my amp - thinking that I'll get the most out of the existing Arro speakers and have more choice of speakers in the future; be that keeping the Arro with the addition of a sub, or new speakers altogether.

 Right now I have about $5-6k to spend. I expect to have another $6k or so in about 8 months. 

So if I go speakers now - you mentioned the Rega's, freediver the Sonus Fabers;  how do I go about evaluating other speakers as well?   It's got to be more than look for an 8 Ohm impedance? How do I find candidates other than by price before auditioning.

I'm not discounting your suggestion on the speaker and not the amp (especially since you owned the ARRO and FOREST - properly mated I'm sure) but is there a good integrated or comibination within budget?  Same question on evaluation of the amp -  how do I know for the speakers or pair it.

For example, for less than $6k I can get a new Cary CAD 300 SEI integrated.

Right at $6k I could go with a Mystere CA21 + Cary CAD-120S MKII (open box).

The Cary integrated has 15W output, the CA-21 and CAD-120S MKII both have great reviews and is a hell of a lot more powerful.

So how do I evaluate amps to drive the Arros if I decided to go that route. 
Search the forums for "Arro".Scroll for the many "which amp for"posts I sure are here.The problem I see is placement.Most of the great speakers need a bit of room to breath so the soundstage can develop.I would also search "close to wall"in the speaker forum & see what comes up.With your budget I would at least retube the small signal tubes &  shoot the rest on speakers that would support an amp upgrade at a latter date.
akg_ca Most of the JMR speakers are also 4 Ohm impedance but sensitivity is closer to 91 dB. Wouldn't I have the same problem on those as the Totem?

Thanks freediver - I'll do some searching.