What vintage speaker might you use today

Like to find out what "vintage speakers" members would/might use in their current audio set-up

Do you think what made them special was the synergy between them and the amp used, or just the fact they were well designed and performed way above their price tag.??
But as might be expected given that its design pre-dates the introduction of solid state amps, it is considered to be a tube friendly speaker, and tubes are my preference when it comes to power amplification.

yeah, the design predates moi, by a few years as well.
My actual pair of 57's are only about 6 years old. Fresh Wayne Picquet rebuilds. I am using an amp that was specifically designed for them. Music Reference RM10. Its been my personal experience that one needs to be very careful with their choice of music with them. My wife for example, seems to get suspicious, and keeps visiting me down in my space whenever female vocals are playing.
I'm going to have to agree with Al here, I have optimized a 1975 pair of Tannoy HPD's (12" Dual Concentric) with new surrounds, custom crossovers, and cabinets, and they perform equally well with 9 Wpc of SET power, or 500 Watts of Class D driving them.

They are better in every way than my previous speakers, Dynaudio Contour 5.4's, which weren't too bad either.
Douglas_Schroeder (BP), "Vintage gear is good for nostalgia trips and the audiophile on a lower budget (in fact, very good for them), but not great for building superior audio systems."

As I have often found arrogance the companion of ignorance, I could not disagree any more strongly with someone who doesn't believe the Quad ESL57 could hold position in the finest sounding audio systems.
The kicker here is that the jbl  L-7 speaker's are not horn speaker's, one of the last fully dynamic speaker's at this level of performance,  and they were only $2,000.000 new in 1992, sound way more expensive compared to alot of speaker's today, my opinion. 
Are eXemplar Horns vintage speakers?

They were first made in the 90s, but the drivers are from the Altec Lansing VotT, which first came out in the 40s.

Still the best speakers I've ever heard.