Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Rsf507, Hi, if you cannot afford  $800.00 a meter for this cable,  you should get out of high-end audio! 
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I bought Tara THE One's - sold them. Bought 0.8's sold them! (Had both the Onboards and HFX model). Bought "new" at 50% off retail so Zephyr there is more of a mark-up than you realize. Tara cables are just to sterile and lean IMO and yes it's my opinion only but would rather listen to a more musical presentation.
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Rsf507, wow!, never heard that from any taralabs cable's, no matter the cost or model,  what equipment where you using? , those two model's of cable's you are referring to are system dependent,  if I can be any help to you the next time you want to get taralabs cable's,  let me know,  as a matter of fact,  the Taralabs website has cable component matching,  a good basis to start from,  but in the end, let your ear's be the judge,  their is always a taralab's model to fit your needs.