Latest Absolute Sound

I just got it yesterday and they are reviewing amps from 12k to 97k. I sat back and thought who is really buying this stuff. I know the average audiophile Isn't and the one's that actual have the money are always looking for deals via Audiogon. Is this just audio porn for the readers or are people actually buying this stuff.

what I said was there is a dealer in my area that will give you 20 percent off the top without asking. I would imagine if a person was serious they could finagle another 5 to 10 percent off that. He doesn't carry Vitus or boutique brands like that. He does carry high-end audio that a working man can buy. He used to carry boutique brands but he could not give them away. The market for this extremely priced gear is very limited. And the demographic he deals in is a lot of 1 percenters. People think because someone is rich they are going to buy these over the top boutique brands. The reality is most people have money because they are a value shopper. Sure they want great stuff but they still want to enjoy looking at their 6 figure checking accounts. I have never been to a rich person's house and seen extremely expensive equipment. Sure they might have a 6 figure home theater setup but that is for the family entertainment. When I have seen super expensive gear it has been in apartments or small homes where the occupants are usually single and have the discretionary income to buy what they want. 

^^^ Taters ...

I've found that most dealers will give a substantial discount in order to get the cash flow moving. So many of the high-end products have a markup of 40 to 50% ... so a dealer that still has old stock when a new model is coming out, or a dealer who needs to make the rent/payroll/light bill at the end of the month would look favorably toward an offer that still makes him/her a profit. Especially for a good repeat customer.

Also, I agree with you about high end audio equipment in multi-million dollar homes. My business has taken me into a lot of those homes over the years. As you said, other than dedicated theater rooms, you just don't see what we're interested in here. Conversely, about six months ago, I was in a moderately priced home that a middle class family was selling ... and lo and behold ... a pair of Martin Logans driven by Krell amps. No turntable .. all digital. 

Just another comment on the high-end homes ... its not unusual to see a nice sized flat screen TV in every bedroom with DVR's and gaming equipment at the ready. Also common in these homes are full-house sound systems pumping  background music through wall speakers. 

Final observation: Over the past 38 years because of my business I have been inside of thousands and thousands of homes. Over this time it has been amazing to me that the large percentage of homes that I go into have no books and no music. None. Go figure. 

Take care ...
I found it so odd that no character in the Seinfeld sitcom was ever listening to music or reading a book. The only system I saw was Jerry's, and it was just as you would expect.

i will never forget going to look at a basis TT that had the vacumn hold down clamp. I don't remember what model it was but I remember it being expensive. It was being sold in the classified section of the Los Angeles times. This must of been around 15 years ago. The guy lived in a dump in Hollywood. But he had really high-end equipment and thousands of records. I remember the TT having layers of dust on it and it really turned me off. I didn't even bother listening to it.
The balk majority of products that pass thru TAS and Stereophile  I will never own, but I do enjoy reading about such products and get a kick out of the way the reviewer go to great lengths to describe the sound. As already said take it with a large grain of salt, and enjoy the glossy pictures.