Latest Absolute Sound

I just got it yesterday and they are reviewing amps from 12k to 97k. I sat back and thought who is really buying this stuff. I know the average audiophile Isn't and the one's that actual have the money are always looking for deals via Audiogon. Is this just audio porn for the readers or are people actually buying this stuff.

i will never forget going to look at a basis TT that had the vacumn hold down clamp. I don't remember what model it was but I remember it being expensive. It was being sold in the classified section of the Los Angeles times. This must of been around 15 years ago. The guy lived in a dump in Hollywood. But he had really high-end equipment and thousands of records. I remember the TT having layers of dust on it and it really turned me off. I didn't even bother listening to it.
The balk majority of products that pass thru TAS and Stereophile  I will never own, but I do enjoy reading about such products and get a kick out of the way the reviewer go to great lengths to describe the sound. As already said take it with a large grain of salt, and enjoy the glossy pictures.
Does anybody sit in front of their relatively inexpensive but carefully assembled rig in an "active listening" session and think, "Damn, this sounds SO FRIGGIN' GREAT?" I agree with a comment in a recent mag that said something like "nobody really knows what an original recording sounds like as even the engineers heard it through monitors that can't ever be actually neutral." When I (rarely) sit in some high end audio "salon" listening to Magicos hooked directly to an offshore tax shelter, I often think…hmmm…my stuff sounds better…and, interestingly, it actually does.
Wolf, in the audioverse people spend large sums of money for very small differences in sound quality.  From my perspective $5k buys a good system and $20k gets you into serious sound quality.  People spending multiples of that amount can readily get better sonic performance, but it's a very small increase.  From what I can tell these people are perfectly happy spending the money for those results.  Magazines (and audiophiles mimicking the mags) resort to hyperbolic language to describe the small changes.  So yes, relatively inexpensive systems can sound "SO FRIGGIN' GREAT", but it is also possible to sound slightly more FRIGGIN' GREAT if you want to spend the money.

It's also possible to spend large sums of money and get a poor performing system, but let's assume most audiophiles have a decent sense for good quality sound and know what they are doing.