okeeteekid63 posts12-17-2015 3:25pmYou've certainly made a smart choice stepping up to the later IRS Epsilons. Despite being a bit bass shy, they are very well balanced & were the most refined classic Infinity speaker. Personally I don't have the room for those speakers, but it would have been fun to own a pair of IRS-Sigma's.
I currently use a pair of Infinity IRS epsilons, I thought of selling them a while back only because they are 20 years old and Infinity no longer has any parts available for them but after listening to many new OVER PRICED speakers I gave up as I didn't want to have to spend upwards of $40,000 to best the sound of the epsilons.
As you know, I previously owned a pair or R90's, but sold them and upgraded to Marten Coltrane Alto's, then later bought a pair of Magico S5's. However nothing stands still in high end, so I recently sold my S5's & have a pair of the new S5 Mk2's on the way!
Anyway, I haven't been keeping up with discussions over at Audiokarma. What amps are you driving the Epsilons with now? Drop me a pm if you get a minute.