Latest Absolute Sound

I just got it yesterday and they are reviewing amps from 12k to 97k. I sat back and thought who is really buying this stuff. I know the average audiophile Isn't and the one's that actual have the money are always looking for deals via Audiogon. Is this just audio porn for the readers or are people actually buying this stuff.
One big difference between the ultra-expensive supercars and the audio component equivalents is that VERY few of the owners of such cars will ever actually drive the cars to the limit of their capability and actually "use" all that technology and expensive construction.  All it takes for a lazy audiophile to fully utilize the capability of his system is to flip a switch and sit down in a comfortable chair.  Every day, under any and all conditions the performance of the gear can be appreciated.

Whether the small increment of difference  between good gear and ultra high end gear justifies the price difference is really up to the buyer.  If the buyer is not necessarily "hearing" better sound but it deluding himself, he is still getting something for HIS money.  

Yes, Absolute Sound, and the like, do a lot of reviews of very expensive equipment; that is because a lot of the readership is entertained by reading about such gear.  In a perverse way, a review of "real world" gear that is  intended to help real someone decide on what to buy, actually is a disservice.  Purchases should rarely be based on a review, at best, reviews are an introduction to possible candidates--describe basic features, point out possible areas of concern--and whether or not the gear might fit one's personal taste can only be hinted at by knowing what the reviewer tends to favor.  It is unfortunate that a lot of gear IS sold largely on reviews and reputation.   
In response to the original question, if people were not buying that expensive gear the companies would not be in business.
I am quite surprised about how much is actually being sold.  Last weekend, I went to a dealer that was doing a demonstration of the $200,000 ClearAudio turntable/arm/cartridge combination.  The US distributor and ClearAudio representatives from Germany were there.  In talking with the store owner, I asked if he ever expects to sell even one table.  He said he doesn't know, but, he is pretty certain that two customers will buy the linear tracking tonearm that was on that table (TT-1) and can be mounted on lower-priced models, such as the ClearAudio Master.  That arm costs something like $30,000.  
The USA has the greatest income inequalities in the world,save Brazil.
 The top 10% have 90% of the total wealth ,thats over 30 million people .
Inequalities exist in a democracy.  Not everyone is going to be rich.  It's in more or less equilibrium.  It is what it is.  Got something better?