Phoenix, AZ

The Arizona Audio Video Club began life as the Arizona Audiophile Society in 1985. The name was changed a few years back to more accurately reflect the varied interests of the members. The club meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month, at various locations in the greater Phoenix area. We occasionally schedule special interest meetings, with topics such as music listening, equipment evaluations, tech workshops, etc. Members receive monthly newsletters, either as hard copies or by e-mail. Members also enjoy discounts on purchases at several of the local audio and HT specialty stores. For more information, check out our website at
Is AC power and grounding a mystery to you? Come and learn
everything you always wanted to know! Many low-cost techniques will be described to improve your listening experience. The event will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 9424 N 7th Ave. in central Phoenix, Wednesday October 24th, starting at 7:00 pm.

Complimentary beverages and snacks will be provided.
This monthÂ’s meeting will be presented by Colleen Cardas (daughter of George Cardas) and Marc Phillips, of Cardas Audio imports. They will be demonstrating the Opera Seconda loudspeakers (with white gloss finish), a Unison Research Sinfonia integrated amplifier, a Unison Research CD Primo CD player, all hooked up with Cardas Audio Clear Light cables.

The meeting will be held Wednesday, November 28th (the week AFTER Thanksgiving) at the Phoenix Airport Marriott, 1101 N. 44th Street, in Phoenix, at 7 PM. This meeting is open to all members and anyone else interested in audio. Non-members please RSVP so we can be sure to have a seat for you. Snacks/soft drinks will be available, and we will hold a raffle.

See you there!

I am in Tempe and would love to join the club. Please contact me as this meeting sounds like a great time.
Hi Alex. I'm the Club treasurer. If you'll e-mail me at jeffreybehr(at)cox(dot)net, I can forward info, etc. See also
This month's meeting of the Arizona Audio Video Club will be on TUESDAY 26 February, from 7PM to 9PM, at the Trinity Lutheran Church, 9424 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, and will feature a local bluegrass group, the Bill Gibbons Trio. The sounds of the trio of guitar, banjo, and upright bass will be acoustic only. Club member Peter will be recording the event in 96/24 hi-rez, and selections from this show will eventually appear on the Club's hi-rez demo disc that Phil is assembling.

Let's show the world that we hi-fi geeks really do like music and not just equipment. Prospective members are encouraged to attend. The club's website can be found at azavclub dot org.