Another Best sounding room

in Newport this time. Vandersteen again won the cost no object mention in Robert Harley's show break down. Heard it was a great show. Lot's of cool new gear. Congrats to all those who were mentioned.

Best Sound (Cost no object): As good as many systems sounded, my vote for Best of Show goes to the Optimal Enchantment room with Vandersteen Model 7 Mk.II speakers driven by Vandersteen’s radical new liquid-cooled M7-HPA amplifiers. Credit also goes to the Audio Research phonostage and preamp, Basis Inspiration turntable (with the Basis Super Arm), and AudioQuest cabling.
I do wish I had a Magico dealer nearer to me so that I could hear them again as maybe I'd like the newer ones.  I tried liking the new D3 series from B&W, but I couldn't listen to them at all  Way too hot still and way too forward for me.  I just never went to a live event and heard the music in my own seat, lol.  Even at the Blue Note in NYC you can sit at the front table and it's not quite as forward as the B&W, lol.  I've noticed a problem with many high end speakers in male sibilance.  Take the Jackson Browne live album and you can hear his S's last WAY too long on many speakers.  That's that upper mid ringing that I just can't handle (I have friends who don't even always notice it or feels it's more OPEN sounding).  I think it comes from baffle diffraction.  I don't hear that when listening to the Vandersteen's.  I also didn't hear it on the upper line Avalon's of past. Triangle is also a great instrument to listen to I feel when hearing if a speaker is accurate in it's portrayal or music.  JHMO

I'd love to get back to SD to see Bruce again. I"m sure he doesn't remember me, but I really learned a lot about higher end music when I lived out there.
Cts, I get a bit of tinnitus, so my ears are sensitive to any distortion or shrillness. Hence I aim for sound which is smooth, mellifluous, natural & coherent, whilst at the same time having excellent bass, dynamics, resolution & sound staging/imaging. I dont’ want much, do I?! I've been impressed by the smooth, natural & coherent sound of the Avalon Transcendent & Eidolon Diamond. I haven’t heard Vandersteen, though I can’t wait to receive my Magico S5 Mk2’s in late January or February. I’m expecting big things from those speakers.
Melb, I too have liked those Avalon's.  Too bad that company is ruined.  I really hate it when a distributor or manufacturer is sold and ruined or just stops caring and their product and distribution suffers. That's sucks for all of us.  Sorry about the tinnitus.  I'm lucky that my MS hasn't affected my hearing nor eye sight like it has for many of my friends.  I pray it never gets there.
Cts, I agree Avalon’s product development and marketing just haven't kept pace with their competitors, which is a shame as they have always sounded natural and very coherent. No issue with the Tinnitus as my hearing is actually normal for my age and not deficient as such. So long as I keep stress at bay, I don’t really notice the tinnitus. However my ears are sensitive to shrillness or brittle sounding top end as I mentioned, so I seem to gravitate toward Vitus gear & Jorma wire. Best wishes for your health in this holiday season.
Randy at Optical Enchantment is one of the nicest dealers around. Unlike most dealers Randy really likes music. It is a pleasure going to The Newport Show and hearing the great music he plays. I wish more dealers in the LA area loved music and weren't so concerned about bashing other gear and trying to high pressure you into a sale.