Forward or recessed sound?

I'm listening to 2 amps one is very forward sounding the other is more recessed sounding, which sound do you prefer? I myself have always had the more recessed sounding amps and have enjoyed them so this is completely different sounding to me, not bad just different.
I'd pick recessed sounding of the two. One amp might be "mos-fet" and the other "bi-polar." I really like my Adcom 5002 which is "bi-polar." Different sounding than the mos-fet Rotel amp I used previously. 
Agree with zavato, if the sound is just forward or just recessed, then it must be very 2 dimensional. A good amp should have layering sounds from upfront to the rear.
Even with great layering, if it is all upfront or all recessed, that still sounds like it is somewhat 2 dimensional with not a much depth.