I don't think there are any tubes in a Quad 2805.
In any event, new vacuum tubes should not pop or crackle.
In any event, new vacuum tubes should not pop or crackle.
Help with "popping" Quad 2805
Hi, first congrats on the quads. Once this issue is all sorted out I'm sure you're going to love them. I have a set of 989's and they're great. If you do a web search you'll find plenty of guys that work on them. One search term that gave back good results ' quad esl repairs ' . A guy based in Florida gets high marks - http://quadsunlimited.us/welcome/4534267346 Just a side note. I know this doesn't make sense to most people and I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't try it, and hear the change for myself. Think about changing out the stock power cords with heavy gauge ones . Why do this? Well, when I did it my 989 suddenly had deeper base and a richer mid range. To me it was well worth the price of the 2 cables ($200.00). I'm using panga 9's . Good luck |