DC Metro -- New

I would like to see what level of interest there is in re-starting a Washington-DC area Audio Society. F2Audio held a meeting in Falls Church last summer that was well attended. Unfortunately, the attendance list no longer exists. F2Audio is closing and being replaced by Command Performance AV (same owner Jeff). I am willing to host an upcoming meeting at our location in Falls Church. I am sure we could get a manufacturer to speak to us. I was thinking of having a meeting towards the end of Sept. What might be fun for an October meeting is to have mini-trip reports of what was cool at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.

I am open to suggestions as to topics or if someone else would rather host. My goals are to 1) try to get the Society going and 2) this time keep it going.

If anyone is interested in a meeting please post here AND email me at jeff@commandav.com so that I can send updates to everyone via email.

-- Jeff
Ag insider logo xs@2xcommandav
Went to the Tape Project at United Home Audio in Anapolis Junction, MD today and am happy to say its the real deal! The system sounded great and look forward to the next event!
December Meeting of the Metro DC Audio Society

The next Metro-DC Audio Society meeting will be on Saturday, January 30th in Falls Church, VA. The time is TBD at this point, so please check the Society’s Website (http://metrodcaudiosociety.blogspot.com/) for an update. The meeting will be at Jeff Fox’s house at 7105 Maybury Court, Falls Church, VA 22046.

For the January meeting, our host will be Zu Audio (www.zuaudio.com). This promises to be a fun day of music listening to the Essence loudspeaker. This speaker has received a lot of great press and should be interesting to listen to. Ron, from Zu, hopes to provide a sneak peak/listen to some other Zu goodies in the works. Who knows…this meeting may be a premiere from something new and exciting from the folks at Zu.

Zu’s preferred format is to have an extended “open house” on the 30th during which we will swap out solid state and tube gear to really get a feel for the Essence speakers. Also, there will also be a more “formal” regular club type meeting. Again, stayed tuned for an update on times.

Finally, we were thinking about catching a live show at a local club on the 29th or 30th if people are interested. Because the Zu “sound” is all about a live performance, this could be the ultimate A-B test. Again, stay-tuned.

Please contact either Jeff (jeff@commandav.com) or Ron (ron@zuaudio.com) to reserve a space.
Update on Metro Washington DC Audio Society January 30th Meeting

Per the previous notice, Zu Audio will be the feature presenter on the January 30th meeting of the Metro Washington DC Audio Society at Jeff Fox’s house at 7105 Maybury Court, Falls Church, VA 22046. Ron, from Zu will be demonstrating Zu’s new Essence speaker, plus some other TBD goodies.

The formal meeting will take place at 3:00 pm. Also, at the start of the meeting, Gary Gill will give a short address on the upcoming local audio show called the Capital Audiofest (http://capitalaudiofest.com/).

In addition to the formal meeting, Ron will provide a more informal on-going demonstration of the Zu’s Essence speaker from 1 pm to 5 pm on the 20th. So if you cannot make it at 3 pm, come on by at another time. Ron, will be here early if you want to schedule a one-on-one session in the morning.

Also, there will be a BONUS event! Since Zu Audio’s approach to speaker design is to replicate the sound of a live event, we thought it would be fun to go to a local concert on the evening of January 29th. The concert is The Kennedy’s at Jammin Java in Vienna (http://jamminjava.com/home/events/the-kennedys-maura-kennedys-solo-cd-release). The concert is at 7 pm and advanced tickets can be purchased at the above website.

We want to expand the music loving community, so please bring a newbie if you can – significant other, son, daughter, nephew, or a neighbor.

Please note that we are asking anyone who wants to attend the Audio Society meeting to RSVP to jeff@commandav.com.