I have built my current system over the years with the help of reviews from TAS and Stereophile. I think the reviewers are spot on in their praise of the products which I have laterly acquired - Bryston 28B monos(HP/TAS)), VA The Music(JH/TAS)), Ayre K-5xeMP preamp(JA/S'phile) and Esoteric K-01(AT/TAS).
Of course, coming to the Audiogon forums here for opinions is of tremendous benefit too. Guido's insights on the K-01 and The Music helped me put together a most wonderful system. It's coming to almost 8 years for the Brystons, 7 years for The Music, 3 years for the K-01 and 1 year for the Ayre pre, and I still love them all, even more today than their very first time in my home.
Nowadays, I still wait patiently for the latest issues of TAS and Stereophile, not because I am looking to upgrade but more because they simply make a good read to keep myself updated with current technologies and also yes, they do entertain in the way they describe sounds emanating from the components under review. And we all know how big those egos can go.
J. :)