DC Metro -- New

I would like to see what level of interest there is in re-starting a Washington-DC area Audio Society. F2Audio held a meeting in Falls Church last summer that was well attended. Unfortunately, the attendance list no longer exists. F2Audio is closing and being replaced by Command Performance AV (same owner Jeff). I am willing to host an upcoming meeting at our location in Falls Church. I am sure we could get a manufacturer to speak to us. I was thinking of having a meeting towards the end of Sept. What might be fun for an October meeting is to have mini-trip reports of what was cool at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.

I am open to suggestions as to topics or if someone else would rather host. My goals are to 1) try to get the Society going and 2) this time keep it going.

If anyone is interested in a meeting please post here AND email me at jeff@commandav.com so that I can send updates to everyone via email.

-- Jeff
Ag insider logo xs@2xcommandav
Thanks for the kind words from all! With approximately 400 attendees the plan is to move ahead with next years event. The venue was great and now the participants know that they need to be prepared to bring room treatments next year for optimal sound. Let me know if you think of another venue where we can expand slightly and still retain quality. Good listening to all!
I think that you are referring to the room with the GOTO custom horn in the JC Verdier, Dynamic Sounds and Luminous Audio room on the first floor? The one with wooden horn,right?

Is GOTO the company that made the horn speaker system there? I have been trying to figure that out. I deduced the gentleman in the room was the designer, but I was not able to identify the company that made it. I assumed it was a custom design and not one that is mass produced.

IS Luminous Audio the distributor of the gear used in that system, perhaps?
Gentlemen, I am not the rep. However, I was delighted to be involved and show off our new power cords which performed ridiculously well in the room. However, the credit belongs to Ming Su who is the rep. He also has a relationship with Shroeder and JC Verdier as well. The designers are a couple of older Japanese fellows who give Ming the cabinet plans, etc. It is very, very custom but Ming has cabinet makers here in the states to create a turn-key system for you. My weekend with Dr. Doug Hurburt and Ming was one to remember and we will partner again in 2011. Tim Stinson/ Luminous Audio
Gentlemen, I am not the rep. However, I was delighted to be involved and show off our new power cords which performed ridiculously well in the room. However, the credit belongs to Ming Su who is the rep. He also has a relationship with Shroeder and JC Verdier as well. The designers are a couple of older Japanese fellows who give Ming the cabinet plans, etc. It is very, very custom but Ming has cabinet makers here in the states to create a turn-key system for you. My weekend with Dr. Doug Hurburt and Ming was one to remember and we will partner again in 2011. Tim Stinson/ Luminous Audio