A New Reel to Reel Tape Deck?

So he wants $5k for a refurbished Technics. If you are patient you could find Studer 810 for $4k, add $2-$3k to make it perfect. And Otari would be much less expensive. I would see no reason to get anything other than these two within this price range.
Well J-corder is entitled to his opinion. I used to do studio work I the late 70's early 80's. I've seen Pioneer, Ampex, Sony, Studer, Scully, TEAC, Tascam, Otari and Crown. Most machines were Sony's/MCI  mixing down to Studers or Ampex. Older studios were Ampex's and Scully's mixing down to Crown. I've never seen a Technics deck in a professional application ever. 
Some Chicago stations used Pioneers, but those and Teacs were the only Prosumer machines I can recall. I think that's crazy money for a Technics. 
I agree with inna!  I would much rather have a serviced Studer than a modded Technics. But that's just me. I'm sure they are really nice. 
The big thing is to get a decent machine so that you can experience the sound and if you shop right it won't break the bank. 
If you think about it this way - perfect Studer for the price of phono cartridge ! Not to mention Otari and Pioneer.
Ampex, was it an American company? Is it equal to Studer? Do they sound different?
Ampex made incredible machines. For years they were the defacto studio machines in use.  Popularity declined with stiff competition coming from Sony and Studer in the studios.  Ampex studio machine were over built, similar to Crown 822's and all Scully machines.  Excellent electronis and very flexible. Today they are a coveted by those who have keep them in working order. They are every bit as good as a Studer machine.  Now the bad. Parts no longer exist, machines in good working order are extremely difficult to find and they rarely updated their designs so the machines are not as modern or comtemporary as Studer.  The last half track Ampex machines were built by Teac/Tascam. 
Today, unless one finds one in top condition, purchasing a Studer or an Otari makes much better sense.