Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Thanks mac for the reassurance. I pulled the trigger for a 1,000ft roll.

Never before was I so convinced getting so much for so little. Albeit late to the game, I have now stocked up on the WE10ga and WE14ga and will start replacing wiring inside some of my speakers and amps with them.

Having said that, the 8 strand helical braid of 26g 6N copper from Jupiter is a real treat used as interconnects, more refined compared to the WE16ga. No need to run, they are still being made.
Ok Jazz.......it's official, you're audio crazed! 1000'? Wow, I love it and have WE wire envy now!  Guess I should order more :) I noticed soundofthetheater is sold out of 10 and 12 ga, so I better get looking for some elsewhere before it's no where to be found.

Ive not tried the WE14ga for interconnects as I'm quite happy with the Belden 8402. I believe Jeff Day and Yazaki-San both preferred the Belden for interconnects and WE16ga for speaker cable and wiring speakers, crossovers and amps.  
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The WE wire is the very best value in all audio...period. I am thankful for it and many other more important things this Christmas. Merry Christmas!