I have a decent tube tester which will confirm if a tube is indeed bad. Other than that, I trust my ears. Tube rolling can be fun, and for the most part, an economical way to experiment with how one's system can sound.
For me, tubes are appealing on a number of levels. ONE: They glow. TWO: They offer sweet dimensional sound. THREE: Once I "went tubes" there was no going back to SS. Yes, I understand that SS can often offer more "punch" at the low end, but my tastes in music are not particularly oriented to amplified mid or lower bass punch. I've listened to many jazz combos in clubs, with acoustic bass, and not once does that bass sound "punchy." Likewise in concert halls with symphonic orchestras.
If I were more into hard rock/metal, I'd possibly be more inclined to choose SS amps, but I'd still want a tube preamp.
Tube components for me, makes for a more engaging way to participate in high-end audio. I love the history and "organic" quality of those glowing glass bottles.
Of course, many others disagree, and YMMV.