Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.

I have listened to a few speakers over the years that impressed me with their accuracy and presentation of the music, but just did not create an emotional response or connection. I have often wondered what that quality is in some speakers that produce an emotional connection with the listener. This quality has been identified by audiophiles, as "magical", "engaging"  "just right"  "euphonic"  "natural"  "true to life". " "satisfying"  "musical"....  I am sure there are at least 50  other  adjectives that could describe this "quality" of  sound . 

Considering the various aspects  of achieving  good and accurate sound by component synergy, is there a way to explain this so-called magical element that often eludes so many of us??.  I don't think such a feeling is temporal, conditioned by personal moods, or the phases of the moon or sun.  

Like to hear from members who have given some thought to the same issue.    Thanks,  Jim   

BTW, I know the thread is a bit out there, but  I don't think the topic is pointlessly pursuing the genie in the bottle. 

Good thoughts and perspective.
One man's accurate and neutral is another man's sterile  and dry.
One man's natural  and holistic  is another man's too warm and colored.

I have felt this is a problem with many "High End" speakers for many years and I agree with Rhyno, that the amp is to blame, in many instances. A particular example of this is Wilson speakers. I find their sound unlistenable with most SS amps, the exceptions being D'Agostino and Dartzeel amps, both way outside my affordability zone. Put them with tubes, particularly ARC and they are great. I heard the new Wilson Sabrina's with an ARC LS17 pre and Ref 75 power amp, at a small show recently and I loved them.

 There are a few Speaker brands with a strong following, I have never enjoyed. They include Focal, B&W and Magico and I know the latter suggestion may be received with howls of protest, but I just don't enjoy Magico speakers. I find them dry and clinical, for my tastes.

  In general, my favourite speakers tend to be relatively high sensitivity and a good match with tubes. The Daedalus speakers I use I would include of course, but I also enjoyed Silverline, particularly the Bolero, Devore and the bigger Tannoy's


I remember the Rectilinear 3 and 3A.  I owned a pair of the original 3 speakers and kick myself for ever selling them.  I had them for 10 years, then tried the latest and greatest from another manufacturer and got on the speaker merry go round.  Still wish I had them to this day.  They always drew me deep into the music and let me forget about everything else.

Great topic sunnyjim, with a lot to of interesting and informative responses. After way too many years of pursuing the audiophile nirvana of uber resolution, detail and precision I'm enjoying a more "real" sound that emphasizes dynamics, tone and presence....i.e., recreating a live performance. Obviously what constitutes a live performance will be different for everyone and I'm not advocating one type of sound or system over another but sunnyjim hit the nail on the head for me......an emotional and engaging sound instead of a clinically accurate sound. Whether I'll achieve it or not remains to be seen, but Jeff Days blog has me pointed in the right direction with vintage WE14ga speaker wire and Belden 8402 interconnects and I absolutely love the sound from them. Vintage RCA tubes for my pre amp are on the way with  vintage tube amps and Altec speakers on the horizon. The vintage gear appeals to me for a number of reasons. They seem to impart that involving, emotional connection to music. They're relatively affordable.....and they're as old as I am!  I'm not saying vintage gear is the only way to achieve an emotionally engaging sound, it's just the way the appeals to my sensibilities and pocket book. Many years ago a local audio specialist asked me whether I was looking to enjoy music or sound. I didn't really understand the question all those years ago and only recently have, hence this topic hitting home with me. There's no right or wrong....good or bad....just whatever makes you happy. I enjoyed the so called audiophile sound for many, many years and now I'm not enjoying a more live, emotionally engaging, real sound. It's all good!