Shakti Hallograph Sound Field Optimizer

Has anybody personally experienced this "accessory" - The Shakti Hallograph Sound Field Optimizer? I am really intrigued but skeptical given the price point. Any guidance would be appreciated.
I've now tried them in a sound treated room and did not hear a difference. My uneducated assessment is that they function as a front wall diffusor, so of limited impact in a treated room. Consider using the $ for a few sound panels, e.g., GIK bass traps, absorption panels, and QRD reflectors for the corners, 1st reflections points, and rear wall respectively. They will be the same price.

I have two pair of the Shakti Hallograghs in my room. The first pair went in the corners behind the speaker. This provided a DRAMATIC improvement in all parameters .. all the areas we like. When taken out of the system, the soundstage collapses and the music sounds way less real. 

The second pair resides behind the listening position, spread out by abut 12 feet. This added another 20-30% improvement over the effects listed above.

Are they a ripoff as one poster above said? Well, they are of a flimsey build. They are easy to knock over. When you knock them over, they break ... so keep the Gorilla Glue handy. Based upon what they actually do for sound of my system, I'd say they're worth the money. I certainly wouldn't want to be without them. I wouldn't want to pay full price though. Bought mine as demos and prototypes and saved a ton.