ZYX 'Real Stereo' and Miyajima 'Cross Ring' Cartridges


If I may use the word 'advanced'. If we assume that ZYX and Miyajima are onto something.

What other cartridge manufacturers use an advanced motor assembly design?.


Both manufacturer's believe their motor assembly is superior to others.

Since I own both these companies offerings (Universe ll and Kansui), and for my listening preferences they beat the other cartridges I own. I was wondering if there are other manufacturer's that believe they make a superior motor assembly.

Both ZYX and Miyajima believe their magnet design more accurately picks up the 'emotion' and 'art' held in the records grooves. I agree with them.

Who else is making 'superior' boasts?

Miyajima started out to build a superior mono cartridge.  After he reached his goal, which led to his rather unique structure, he then branched into stereo.  I am not aware of whatever may be unique in the design and/or build of ZYX cartridges, but I've heard the first version of the UNI, and I loved it, still kind of lust for one.  If the UNI II is so much better as claimed, I'd have to hear that to believe it.  Anyway, suffice to say that I cannot think of a single cartridge maker who cannot make a case for the unique-ness of his products and their aural superiority.  It's called "marketing", but also it's because these are creative people who have put in time and effort to think about the art of phono transduction.
Nakatsuka San started to build superior top stereo cartridges long time ago and since the days of his vintage Moster Cable MC cartridges and ADC TRX MI (just to name a few) later he patented some new things for his own ZYX design (clearly explained in the zyx manuals) and now we have premium line of ZYX (i've owned Zyx Premium 4D).

@cousinbillyl  it is nice that you have moth Zyx and Kansui, it is probably two different concepts of sound, how do you with with both of them ? I mean it's really interesting subject. Could you tell us which tonearms do you normally use for them and which of these cartridges do you use more often? Aftex my ZyX experience i was thinking about Kansui myself, but never tried it yet. If you're a ZYX user it would be nice to know your opinion (about Miyajima Kansui). Thanks