Golden Ear Triton One Speakers $$$

They seem to be no love for these speakers here...
^^^ What Stereo5 said.

WIth active controls for the subwoofer portion of the Tritons 1, 2, and 3, you can adjust the bass down to whatever size room you have.

The Triton 7s are another story, however. It's an all-passive design, and on both of my shopping auditions, their bass overloaded the demonstration room. Although my own listening area is a lot larger, I didn't want to mess with trips back and forth from the store, and went with the Magneplanar 1.7s instead.

As for the Aons, Googling for the reviews will return a wealth of praise. You will find unqualified raves from Stereophile, TAS, Soundstagedirect, Tone Publications, WhatHiFi, HIFi+, etc. They consistenly say that the Aons sound much larger--and more expensive--than they are. There is also a lot of praise for their smoothness, seamless integration, dynamics, and imaging--all hallmarks of refined and more expensive speakers.
I think the are interesting and I would like to hear them. The box did look a little noisy on the sterophile measurments though.

I have two JL audio d112 subs in s 12x15 room and it is not an issue. With volume control on the subs. I am sure these speakers are a non issue too.
Just echoing Stereo5's praise for the Triton One's as I recently (December 2015) purchased and installed them in my coop/apartment. My room size is virtually identical to - albeit slightly bigger - than Stereo5s.

Incredible speakers and moreover an incredible value. I have heard a pair of Alta Statement Towers that retail at $200,000 a pair (among other high end speakers) and can honestly say the T1s are as good or better than anything I've heard. Simply cannot be beat for the price. Period. 

Also, the bass adjustment can in fact be used to compensate for close proximity to walls and/or small rooms. I have mine set at the 11:30 position, which equates to a -1db. Subtle, nevertheless, meaningful.
  I heard a set of them,I believe the $2000. models and was very not impressed what so ever with them at all.After hearing them they must be the most over rated piece of equipment to date.To be fair though I didn't have time to position them as that was out of my control.
Plapen, the $2000 model would be the Triton Five, a completely different model than the T1s (the model this thread is about). The T5s are passive only while the T1s are powered. Besides the positioning, other variables such as the equipment used to drive them would also be a factor. As to the Tritons being over rated, you certainly are entitled to your opinion, but there are so many numerous high praises from both "professional" reviewers, customers and prospective customers that I’d have to believe the reviews are legitimate and that GoldenEar couldn’t afford (monetarily or otherwise) to pay or otherwise persuade so many. In this case, their speakers go beyond praise in that many models have been awarded some sort of "best in class" rating. Again, while theoretically possible money or other incentives could have been used to bias opinions, one would have to think that simply couldn’t be possible given the number of positive reviews, awards and relatively low cost (compared to other high end speakers).

And just to reiterate, I own/use the T1s and am not saying they are the last word in terms of speakers, but in terms of overall value (performance and price considered), I wasn't able to find anything better.

This topic does indicate that there is no love for these speakers here on this forum and frankly I cannot understand why. The video link posted by the individual who started this thread has the audio removed, so I cannot comment on that. If someone can re-post a link to that video I’d be interested in watching it.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!