VPI Cartridge People: What next?

OK, vinyl troopers, so it's getting to be time for a new cartridge, at least pretty soon.  My Dynavector XX-2 MkII has served me faithfully and is likely headed for replacement in the months ahead, so where do I go now?  I've previously moved up from Dynavector Karat to the XX-2 MkII, and that brought nice improvement, but what next?  System page is listed, but in short I'm a 99% analog only guy with VPI 10.5 arm > VPI Aries turntable > McIntosh C2300 tube MC phono.  This rig sits on a Gingko Cloud stand and heavyweight Bright Star rack. 

Trouble is, good cartridges are obviously very expensive and tough to demo.  My goal: I'm looking for the ultimate VPI-arm compatible cartridge for use with this rig. Move up in the Dynavector line? Stay put with XX-2 MkII?  Lyra cartridges have good reviews and sound tempting.  Soundsmith?  Koetsu?  Can I do make a meaningful improvement over the Dyna XX-2 MkII for less than $3K?  Listen mainly to all kinds of music and value soundstaging and image depth. Leaning slightly more Romantic than Analytical/HiFi in my audio tastes.

Have I reached the end of the line using VPI Aries with VPI 10.5 Classic 3 arm as a platform? Bring me the truth based on solid experience, folks!

Your wisdom and experiences are much appreciated in advance.  Thanks!
I'm using an Ortofon Winfield which you can get new in your price range. Load it at 1000 ohms and smile.  My advice is to try your turntable without the Gingko.  It absolutely ruined the sound of my VPI, but every system is different.
You didn't mention why you think a new cartridge is needed. Is it due to a worn stylus? I sent my XX2MKII to Soundsmith, and had their top-of-the-line ruby cantilever/stylus replacement done, and it came back a much better sounding cartridge than when it was new, and at that time, it was under $400.

I was using a Scout Signature back then. For an upgrade, restored a Garrard 401, built a plinth, am using a Dynavector 501 arm. A large leap in performance over the Scout, and much more elegant to look at as well.

You might give consideration to re-tipping your Dynavector, and upgrading your turntable/tonearm, or just do the re-tip, and reevaluate after hearing the cart on your current 'table/arm.


I have a VPI Classic 3 with a 3D arm. I used to run a Dyna xx2 mk.2 which was a nice balanced cartridge.
Then I switched to a Lyra Kleos Sl and the Kleos is so much better in all areas. Faster, more dynamic, more open, bigger soundstage, with nice tonal balance and more lively.
The xx2 sounds a little dull in comparison. To my ears a big step up in sound but should be it cost more.
Since I started using the AT-ART-9, I've stopped shopping for cartridges. For under 1100 bucks, its an audiophile bargain. 

See the thread in this forum that talks about the ART-9 at length. 
I have also gone from the XX-2 MKII to the Cadenza Bronze.  I like both carts for different reasons.  The DV sounds amazing on the right record and generally does a much better job on live recordings.  The Ortofon never reaches the ultimate heights the DV can reach, but makes many more records enjoyable than the DV does.  Having both makes me want a second arm on my TT.