Tariffs suck. Politicians bluster about punishing foreign countries (like China) by charging tariffs for goods crossing our border that are inexpensive for U.S. consumers to buy. Yes, it reduces the demand for the foreign products in question, but it also screws the American consumer. It hits those on fixed incomes and folks of limited incomes the hardest.
Also, tariffs take a large tole even on health. Here's an example ... Back in time, the U.S. government, bending to pressure from our sugar beet growers, started charging high tariffs on foreign sugar being imported to the U.S. Anything made with sugar skyrocketed in price overnight. The beet growers loved the new income, and the destruction of their foreign competition, but the food processors had to find a cheaper alternative to sugar. That's when the chemists came up with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). I read recently that HFCS actually increases appetite. At this point, according to another article, the average American consumes an average of 58 gallons of HFCS each year.
Is there a correlation between the American obesity problem that began at about the same time that HFCS was introduced into the American diet?? I believe so. I, for one, read every label on the food I buy. If it contains HFCS, I put it back on the shelf and look for an alternative.
Start reading the labels folks. You'll be surprised at just how many products you buy contain HFCS. Once your system is cleared of HFCS, it tastes disgusting. Very artificial and it tastes just like a chemical has been added to the food in question ... which of course, it has. .
Here's a good test: If you like sweet pickle relish ... try a container of Del Monte sweet pickle relish as an option to your regular one that you usually buy. Del Monte is made with sugar and no HFCS is present in the product. Yes, Del Monte is a little more expensive ... but worth it.
Also, if you're a soda drinker, buy the ones from Mexico. Even Mexican Coca Cola is made with real sugar. Waaaay better. Now available at Costco, Walmart and any Mexican market.
Sorry if I was out of place posting this on an audio site ... but hey, we need to be informed about this stuff too, right?
Happy listening ...