Cables and reviewers

Tons of creative designs out there. Lots of reviewers, with no consensus as to what's best. Seems to me that if there was a superior design, then we would see some kind of consensus forming around it. Maybe cable choice just not that important, at a given price point.

 we all have different brands of components . These amps , preamps , phono amps all have different electrical (Let's use the term stats)  . The almost infinite combinations we are putting together with different brands make comparing one cable in one system and trying to determine the results in any other combo that does not have the exact same electrical (stats ) impossible to say what the sound  result will be .

Now if we all had the same systems we could do a much better comparison of a cable . We would still come to different sound descriptors even then though .

Now let's look at a integrated amplifier's design . The designer choses the internal wiring that will work the best for it's application . He spends the time and makes a determination on what is needed . No need for us to fret over his decision because we can not alter it . What is a compulsive tweaking audiophile to do ? Can not do a damn thing about it ! and still the integrated can give pleasurable results anyway . Go figure .

Cable reviews are absolutely meaningless . Thanks for letting us know what you heard in YOUR system . Alot of help that does for me !
psag, I believe your conclusion is wrong. We have a plethora of methods and gear, as well as philosophies on tubes, vinyl vs. digital, rooms and tuning, tweaks, etc. There is nothing even approaching consensus on any of these in the audiophile community. Take amps, speakers, sources, they all are lacking in conformity across the spectrum of listeners. 

So, why would you expect consensus on cables? 

I've read a lot of advice here on A'gon where one is told to ask the speaker maker what he uses. Fair enough. My present and last set of speakers are internally wired with Supra Ply. Both makers use it for their speaker cables. It works. Sometimes it's not the best remedy when swapping out components but it works really well, but the upgrade bug is always there which leads to those reviews....

All the best,

The (3) factors that affect anyone's system are;

Room/Listening space, Gear and Line conditioning.