Denon to Parasound

I’m looking to move on from my denon amps. Was previously considering the new crown drive ores but decided to pass after research. I want the sound of my recently sold technics sa 5760(first amp) back.

Looking at the Parasound a23. Max budget is $1000 msrp. Seems like Parasound would be a natural upgrade. I don’t want an emotiva or outlaw amp. Open to other entry level audio brands in this budget.

Am I going in the right direction? My setup is denon 4520ci->bluejeanscable->revel f12s & revel b1 subwoofer.

Would I notice improvement moving from a 150 watt per channel flagship denon to an audiophile 125 watt per channel separate? The denon was $2,500 msrp. Thoughts? If not, how much do I need to spend to get improved and similar power?
Remember, Odyssey is made entirely in the USA.  Not sure about that Parasound.  I know most of their stuff used to be made in China, not sure if they still are.  At any rate, the Odyssey Khartago amp is the better amp by far.
Personally, I would listed to an odyssey in your system before buying.  I have a friend selling one and it sounds great in his system and sounds like crap with my extremely efficient coincidents.  The odyssey can drive almost anything.
Also, Revels suck up power.  I would get as many watts as affordable.  200 wpc or more...
Does anyone know the 4 ohm rating for the odyssey khartago? It’s shocking they don’t provide it on the website.

So far the Parasound a23 looks to be the most powerful amp I can find under 1k(new) as it nearly doubles down on its power rating, 125/200 8/4 ohms. That looks a lot better to me than the Ati at1202 I'm also looking at, 120/180 8/4 ohms.

All Odyssey amps double their power as the impedence drops. I would say it’s at least 200wpc. Depending on what options you get in your Khartago will determine the power output. The guy that designs Magico Speakers uses a Khartago in his lab, yes it’s that good.

Don't go strictly by the specs, it is the sound that counts.   The power difference between a 180wpc amp and a 200wpc amp will not be audible. 

Though you may not go wrong with either the Parasound or the Odyssey, with the Odyssey you can call the guy up who will make your amp, Klaus Bunge.  The conversation alone will be worth it.  I was strongly considering the Khartago, however happen to find a used BEL 1001 MK5 at a dealership and purchased it.