Audiogon and the Hi-Fi Mags

As a longtime reader of both TAS and Stereophile, I do not recall ever having seen any discussion in either of those magazines about Audiogon and its impact on the two-channel audio business.

To me, Audiogon is by far the biggest story in high-end audio in the last ten years. If it is in fact the case that the two main hi-fi rags have never discussed the advent of Audiogon and its impact on the industry even casually, let alone do an article or feature piece on it, that is curious, especially because both magazines have columns devoted to developments in the hi-fi industry and regularly run feature pieces about industry developments. Not to cast aspersions, but I know that many manufacturers and retailers do not like Audiogon and believe it to have a pernicious affect on the industry (it has created a huge market for used components and on-line sales of new products that suppress sales of new products sold through traditional dealer networks / the counter argument is that Audiogon has greatly expanded the high-end hi-fi market generally, creating much greater knowledge of and demand for new products and after-sales service from all sources), so could it be that they have exerted pressure on the magazines to keep quiet about Audiogon? It is also the case that the hi-fi rags get taken to task a lot in Audiogon threads (sometime fairly and sometimes unfairly, in my opinion), so this may be a reason why we don't hear about Audiogon in the magazines. Lastly, are the mags incompetent and have just missed the story? For whatever its worth, I know that Audiogon has advertised in one (perhaps both) of those magazines.

I let my subscriptions to TAS and Stereophile lapse last year, so perhaps they have treated the subject and I have missed it? If the subject has not been treated, does anyone know whether any B-school has done a case study of Audiogon's affect on the industry? If yes, I'd love to see it.

Perhaps Kal and others associated with the magazines have some insight that they would care to share?

Please temper your comments so this thread does not get pulled.
Audiogon has made me buy more new audio equipment than Stereophile ever did. 
If it wasn't for stumbling upon this site years ago while looking for a vintage Pioneer receiver, McIntosh, REL, Totem, Dynaudio, Magnepan, Musical Fidelity, and a few others would not have had a new customer. 

While I don't necessarily distrust reviews in Stereophile or other magazines, A'gon usually gives me an owner's viewpoint, unbiased, personal - living with a piece of gear is quite different from being loaned it for review. 

Almost everything I've bought used from other members here eventually steered me to purchase a new model from a B&M. Buying reputable products used from a reputable site is a good way for me to explore different brands without the higher financial considerations in buying new. I have had zero problems here with my sales and purchases from and to other members since signing on. 

I do read Stereophile from time to time simply because I like to read in general.  In my business and this business reviewers and magazines are always questioned and should be - it's only natural.  
I get my information online these days--no newspapers or mags for many years.  Audiogon and online reviews give me all I need for support and education in the field of audio equipment.