How many use Vintage Hi-Fi systems?

I was wondering, how many here use a Vintage Hi-Fi as their main stereo? Please give details as to your equipment. I use Citation 17 preamp, Citation 16A amplifier, Sony TC-755 reel to reel, Dual 1229 (with Grace 747 tonearm), Nakamichi OMS4 CD player Advent 201A cassette and Definitive Technologies BP10 speakers. I have many audiophile friends who trade up constantly. I bought a system that I enjoy and have kept it. Oh, and I still love it! Friends are floored by how musical it is. Your thoughts please.
Back in the 70's the KLH 17 was the go-to speaker for  poor students of  classical music as well.
On classical beat out the EPI,AR, Advent ,Dynaco etc in their general price range  
I still own 2 "vintage" Pioneer SX series receivers,  an SX1050 and an SX950,  along with a Marantz 2252b receiver.

My girlfriend's house is where the SX950 stays upstairs mated to a pair of Usher bookshelf speakers,  and downstairs we have the SX950 paired with Meadowlark Kestrels....GREAT loudspeakers.

I will never let go of these because they represent where I started,  and where all this started 40 something years ago.  Back then Pioneer, Marantz,  Sansui receivers were the "stuff" to get.  I've maintained all of them over the years and yes,  they still sound good.

I have a better turntable now than I did back in those days,  so this is not precisely a vintage setup but...still sounds good!

I hear you.  I had a couple of Pioneers briefly and liked them. I actually prefer the SX1050 over the SX1250.  These were really built well.  I get tired of some audio buddies talking about how 'mid-fi' this is, but I don't agree at all.  How many of today's products will be around 40 years from now?  Not to many.  

Hi-Fi, that's what this is, not high end just Hi-Fi and it's extremely good.



I still own 2 "vintage" Pioneer SX series receivers,  an SX1050 and an SX950,  along with a Marantz 2252b receiver.

Out of these receivers which one do you prefer? I have a 2252B, Luxman R-1050 and a Sansui Model 8. Just curious if you prefer the Marantz over the Pioneer?  I have not done a critical or side by side test but if I would have to pick one right now it would be the Luxman followed by the Sansui.  Like I said I haven't performed a critical listening test and only listened to each playing through Tyler Acoustics speakers playing FM only but the Luxman is so smooth and has great bass punch for a receiver. The Marantz is the best looking no doubt and I actually play it the most because its so damn awesome in appearance especially with LED lights. One of these days I will hook up my turntable and do a comparison plus see which one has the best phonostage.

Sansui 8 is pretty amazing sounding with a sweet phono stage and I always loved the green dial lamp.