Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience.

Please tell us the worst experience you've had with a Dealer, Manufacturer or both and what actions were needed and what the outcome was.
I'm sure there are many interesting horror stories.
Interested to hear all.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdbyni
Excellent stories guys. Unfortunately, there are many "flakes" in our wonderful hobby. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
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@lowrider57  my cd2s was a demo piece. I bought it from USA tube audio themselves.  You should be ok.  My sale ran smoothly and the guy was nice at first.   Then the problem came with the remote. Then I felt like he could  have suggested something with a warmer signature but he flat out did not care because he got a 4000 plus sale and didn't care about getting me taken care of.  It is one of the things where I learned that some folks don't care in high end.  Would be careful from this point on.